Swappy: My take on the design of Sawppy the Rover

Based on Roger Cheng's open source design for a rover chassis, I, along with my good friend Kendrick Moore, built my own take on the rover. I have various modifications and improvements to the design planned, such as remote control over a cellular connection, and a solar trailer allowing long-term use in the wild.
The rover is seen here in its first public appearance at the Rocklin Mini Maker Faire, representing the Sierra College Robotics Club. Unfortunately I was kept so busy answering questions, that I forgot to take any other pictures! The rover seemed to be very popular, with lots of kids and adults expressing interest in its construction and programming. It turned out that a lot of people asked the same few questions about the rover, so here's an FAQ for the day:
The rover is seen here in its first public appearance at the Rocklin Mini Maker Faire, representing the Sierra College Robotics Club. Unfortunately I was kept so busy answering questions, that I forgot to take any other pictures! The rover seemed to be very popular, with lots of kids and adults expressing interest in its construction and programming. It turned out that a lot of people asked the same few questions about the rover, so here's an FAQ for the day:
- Q: Is it 3D printed?
- A: Yep! All the white plastic you see, as well as the wheels were all 3D printed.
- (If anyone's curious, I used my Prusa i3 Mk3 for all 3D printing, I strongly recommend it, and should really write a product review for it if/when I ever get around to doing so.)
- A: Yep! All the white plastic you see, as well as the wheels were all 3D printed.
- Q: How long did the wheels take to print?
- This was an oddly common question, and the answer was, as I recall, around 6 hours per wheel, and I'd set up 2 or 3 to print overnight.
- Q: Where is <insert name of fellow robotics club member here>
- A: I'm not sure, maybe with <Insert name of other robotics club member here> who went <somewhere> for <some reason>
- This question originated from other members of robotics club, and was roughly as common as the above two questions.
- A: I'm not sure, maybe with <Insert name of other robotics club member here> who went <somewhere> for <some reason>